Next NH House Session: February 13, 2025
I'll ask these questions before voting on every bill:
1. What will it cost the taxpayers?
2. Will it raise or implement new taxes or fees?
3. What are the long-term effects?
4. Does this infringe on individual rights?
5. Does this expand state government?
President Calvin Coolidge famously said that “the business of government is business.” Without a vibrant, growing economy that produces good private-sector jobs and business opportunities, nothing else is possible. That is why my job as a State Representative will be to promote policies, (including repealing legislation), which encourage people to start new businesses and expand existing businesses in New Hampshire.
I have always opposed and will continue to oppose any broad-based sales or income tax of any kind. Our lack of a sales or income tax is the cornerstone of New Hampshire’s advantage over our high-tax New England neighbors. They have gone down the road of broad-based taxes and in the long-run their property taxes are almost as high as ours and they do not get better services from their state governments.
I believe in transparent, affordable and nonrestrictive healthcare. Information regarding procedures and pricing should be readily available for patients. Insurance policies should be accepted at each hospital and between states.
I believe in quality, competitive and affordable education. Public schools should be locally run without federal mandates. Students and parents should have the option of charter schools, vouchers or home school. We have to get control of spiraling college tuition costs, which are being fueled by the bubble of student loan debt. This debt, in turn, is hampering our economy because students who borrowed more than they can afford to repay with the jobs they can get are not able to buy cars, homes and other things that stimulate the economy and make life better for everyone.
I strongly support the individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which we have enshrined in Part First, Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Constitution. As a legislator, I have consistently voted to protect Second Amendment rights. I have taken and will continue to take this one step further by sponsoring and voting for measures designed to enhance this important, fundamental individual right. For example, I have voted for Vermont-style open carry laws and other measures. We have to remember that with this important right comes the equally important responsibility of all gun owners to practice common-sense gun safety and learn to properly use firearms. This means protecting and encouraging the operation of shooting ranges, gun clubs, and other opportunities to develop gun skills.
I am and always have been Pro-Life .
Our natural environment is a crucial component of New Hampshire’s business climate and quality of life. We need to protect our drinking water, lakes, wildlife, farms, parks, private property, trails and roadways to attract tourism and maintain our state’s natural beauty and the health of our citizens. At the same time, we have to balance this common obligation with individual property rights, and not burden legitimate, appropriately-located commercial development. Maintaining our state’s natural beauty is a common obligation, and it should not be borne on the backs of property owners through over-regulation or regulatory takings. During my time in the N.H. House, I was appointed by the Speaker of the House to chair the Special Committee on Eminent Domain which drafted the language of Part First, Article 12-a of the N.H. Constitution.
Drinking water must be safe, clean and reliable. Clean potable water is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it is a community issue. Safety compliance and standards must be in place and enforced to ensure clean water.
If recent history teaches us any lesson, it is that government functions best when it is as close to the governed as possible, and where people have the ability to control their own destinies. This means that if something can be done at a more local level of government, i.e., education, aid to the disadvantaged, it should be. I will do whatever I can as a State Representative to fight unfunded mandates from the State or Federal Governments.
Link to the text of the Declaration of Independence:
Link to a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence:
Link to the U.S. Constitution:
Link to the Bill of Rights:
Link to the New Hampshire State Constitution:
Link to the current New Hampshire Republican Party Platform:
Link to the New Hampshire House of Representatives Republican Caucus: